Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Coeducational vs Single Sex Schools Essay

I think it would be nice to attend an all-girls school. I am for this for many different reasons. Of course, there would be a lot less drama with the girls, and they would concentrate more on their schoolwork instead of their appearance. Their grades would be much better, because they would study more and ask questions about the assignments. An all-girls school is a great idea for teenage girls in high school, because since there would be no boys around, the girls wouldn’t be vying for their attention. Without all of the boys, the girls wouldn’t worry about many things, besides their schoolwork and their grade. They wouldn’t wear make-up or cute clothes, because they would have nobody to impress. I’m going to admit it, there are only two reasons why girls have drama or fight, either somebody is running their mouth, or it’s over a guy. On, there is a comment from a girl with the username, Girl Power. In her comment she makes really good points about why an all-girls school is better than coeducational. Although all of the comments were inspirational and helpful in making my decision, her comment was the one that helped me make my final decisions that I have written in this paper. All-girls schools help young women learn to be independent, and not fight about stupid things, like boys. In all-girls schools, just like coeducational schools, there are different groups of people. Some of the groups are similar to the groups at coeducational schools, such as preps, jocks, nerds, miscellaneous, etc. All-girls schools would have a lot less drama than coeducational schools, because the girls would have no reason to start drama. Alright, this whole next paragraph is my opinion; you don’t have to agree with me. Girls pay a lot more attention to their schoolwork then to boys in all-girls schools, because there are no boys around to pay attention to. Most girls just can’t help it, they are natural flirts. My friends and I are that way, so I’m not being mean. It’s completely natural to flirt, some girls may take it too far, but that’s their problem. If I was at an all-girls school, I am almost positive my grades would be better than they are now, except for math. Math is my weakness. If all the boys left midway for a week, and nothing was left but the girls, the school average would increase dramatically, because the girls would pay attention more, and make better grades. Girls are too worried about their appearance or too caught up in flirting with the boys to pay attention in class, therefore, they will fail. It’s normal for girls to crave the attention from the boys. Most of the time it reflects in the way girls act. Sometimes I don’t understand why girls have boyfriends, because they will flirt anyways, it’s the natural thing. I got off topic there for a second, let’s get back on track. The girls wouldn’t have to look â€Å"perfect† at an all-girls school. They wouldn’t have to wear any make-up; they would just have natural beauty. They wouldn’t be competing for attention from the boys, because there would be absolutely no boys. Well, after doing a lot of research and taking a lot of notes, an all-girls school is the way to go. Less drama, better grades, and you don’t have to be perfect. Okay, I’m going to go beg my mommy to let me go to an all-girls school. It’s the best decision in my opinion.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Practicum report sample for hotel and restaurant management Essay

COLLEGE OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT HRM 117- OJT in Hotel BSHM STUDENTS PRACTICUM EVALUATION FORM Aaron C. Magallon Student Front Office – Bell Service Department and Position DUSIT THANI MANILA Cooperating Hotel PERIOD COVERED: _________________________________ DIRECTION:The statement below represents the expected skills and other personal qualities of HM practicum students. Please rate the trainee accordingly by checking the appropriate box with the corresponding points relative to the acquired knowledge and skills. The five points Liker Scale below will guide in your rating. POINTS VERBAL INTERPRETATION EVALUATION SCALE GRADE 5 Excellent4.20-5.00 1.00 4Very Good (VG)3.40-4.19 1.25 3 Good (G)2.60-3.39 1.50 2 Fair (F)1.80-2.59 1.75 1 Poor (P)1.00-1.79 2.00 AREA 1: VOCATIONAL / TRADE SKILLS (25%) 5 4 3 2 1 1.1 Quality of work ability to meet Quality of Standards 1.2 Application of acquired knowledge and skills 1.3 Ability to use tools and equipment properly 1.4 Ability of work safety, effectively, and efficiency Weighted Mean AREA 2: WORK QUALITIES AND HABITS 5 4 3 2 1 2.1 Industry Personal application to assigned work 2.2 Reliability 2.3 Initiative 2.4 Punctuality 2.5 Ability to follow direction Weighted Mean AREA 3: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL QUALITIES 5 4 3 2 1 3.1 Cooperative-ability to work together with other people 3.2 Self-Control ability to control emotions 3.3 Poise-demonstrate level of self-confidence appropriate for the job 3.4 Reaction to advice and constructive criticism 3.5 Willingness to follow direction 3.6 Adaptability-capacity to adjust to new problem and changing situation Weighted Mean AREA 4: COMMUNICATION SKILLS 5 4 3 2 1 4.1 Ability in oral communication 4.2 Ability in written communication 4.3 Knowledge of vocabulary related to the job Weighted Mean AREA 5: PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP 5 4 3 2 1 5.1 Ability to work harmoniously with co-workers 5.2 Ability to work harmoniously with immediate supervisors Weighted Mean COMMENTS: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Mean: ________Equivalent Grade: ________ EVALUATOR Signature over Printed Name Noted by: MS. DULCE B. AURELIO Practicum Coordinator

Monday, July 29, 2019

Human reproduction system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human reproduction system - Assignment Example These increase the amount of calcium in the muscle cells which are in turn responsible for the contraction of the uterus. Aside from helping with contractions, the increased levels of this hormone in both mother and child foster feelings of attachment and affection. On the other hand, another hormone prolactin works together with oxytocin during pregnancy to produce and release breast milk, respectively. It increases during labour with the highest level occurring during birth and remaining high as the mother breastfeeds. Beta-endorphin and adrenaline are other hormones that help in child birth. Adrenalin helps in labor as it gives the mother energy to push. It also prevents the rise of oxytocin when the mother feels anxiety, tension or fear during labour. Similarly, beta-endorphin can be considered an innate painkiller and is released when the body feels pain so that natural childbirth and breastfeeding are bearable for the mother. It also helps in releasing prolactin during labour so the mother’s breasts are ready for the new born. (Hormones in Labour 2012) Magon, N and Kalra, S 2011, ‘The orgasmic history of oxytocin: Love, lust, and labor’, Indian Journal of Endicronology and Metabolism, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. S156-S161. Available from NCBI [September

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ecology - Essay Example Poor and rich nations both have impacts over the other income range also but the poor nations only affect about a third of the shock as related to the rich nations. 1. To see maps of the pattern of acid rain deposition in parts of Europe and in the U.S., respectively, read the articles, Acid Rain (noting the map in the section "How Big a Problem Is It") and What Is Acid Rain A. The most advanced region in terms of environmental control has the lowest amount of acid rain deposition and the direction of the wind also plays an important part in determining the natural balance of gases in a country's atmosphere. Although global warming is a universal problem, U.S. and UK has much more control over it because there industrial areas are situated in specific regions and they have the power to reduce their acid rain causing agents. A. China's ennvironmental capacity for the pollutants of coal burning have far exceeded the safe level. Hence, the countires having problems due to China's coal burning can exceed to as far as Japan, Philipines as sulfur dioxide, a major acid rain causing pollutant, has the capability to travel far distances before settling into the earth.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Injection attacks Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Injection attacks - Research Paper Example This SQL injection would fool the database to be a regular user query and then easily access the system. The attacker spoofs identity; become the database server’s administrator; and exposes, makes unavailable or destroys existing data. a. SQL manipulation - This involves the modification of the SQL query through the alteration of the WHERE clause (Patel et al., 2011). This modification would cause an amendment of the statement’s WHERE clause so that it constantly returns TRUE. b. Code injection – New SQL statements, instead of valid input, would be introduced into the input fields. The classic statement or code would then append a SQL Server command, making SQL statement vulnerable. Patel et al. (2011) argues that code injection only works through the support of request of various SQL statements per database or support of keywords like OR and AND by the database. c. Function call injection involves user defined functions or database functions being added into vulnerable SQL queries. Patel et al. (2011) observe that these function calls could be applied in the making of internal calls or modification of data in the database that could be harmful to users. Certain characters should be the only ones accepted in the input areas. The length of these fields should be limited (Patel et al., 2011). For example, for usernames and passwords, only numbers and alphabets should be accepted and the field limited to 15 characters. This involves the alteration of application flow through overwriting of memory parts (Cowan, Wagle & Pu, 2000). This aims at subverting the operation of a privileged program for the attacker to take control of the program so as to control the host. In this case, the attacker exploits websites so as to inject data into the given application so as to execute XPath queries (Shanmughaneethi, Ravichandran & Swamynathan, 2011). XPath refers to a query language which describes the way of locating

Friday, July 26, 2019

Based on the issue of ways in which the internet has changed political Essay

Based on the issue of ways in which the internet has changed political interactions globally - Essay Example Therefore, internet has offered many services like ease of communication, information flow, entertainment and advent of e-commerce. The foremost and main services provided by internet are the ease of communication in every walk of life. It is one of the few endowments of scientific knowledge that have helped ameliorate the global political interactions. The political sphere of interaction has changed immensely worldwide through internet. The term ‘democracy’ has taken a more direct and greater meaning now. Countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt and Libya are the clear examples of prevailing political instability and the warfare, which more or less has been worsened by the inappropriate and over use of internet; and has affected the political position of these countries globally. Today, nothing is hidden; a single weird movement in a country is spread throughout the world like a wildfire. Perhaps, internet has more often than not steered the country into a more depressing abyss. The countries have never faced such an adverse condition in past, though there were countries who had political instability, faced battles and even wars; but what was different? The difference this time has been internet. Where media is somewhat controlled and is censored by the government depending on scenarios, internet has been flooded with blatant proofs. Furthermore, any sort of news spreads like a wild fire because of the extensive social networking mediums such as facebook, twitter etc. Media in general, cannot talk much about the inside news because of the fact that such news is censored. However, internet –specifically YouTube and face book, have been filled with the proof of terrorism, extremists, unethical conducts of our leaders, which otherwise in media have been either deleted or censored. This has overall led to a change in general awareness of people who were aloof to such acts. Now there is active resistance to its activities and has led to much more

Karl Marx - Capital Ch 7 Ch 9 Sec 1 Ch 10 Sec 1 Essay

Karl Marx - Capital Ch 7 Ch 9 Sec 1 Ch 10 Sec 1 - Essay Example Yet the legions of workers who once provided labor commodity with their hands (sweat equity, in other words), the spindle operators, for instance, to whom Marx refers in Chapter 7, have been supplanted by a technological revolution that has made the computer a tool nearly as utilitarian and ubiquitous as the spindle once was. In the modern economy, technology transforms the very nature of labor and the way in which that labor produces wealth. In the â€Å"Information Age† economy, the laborer’s work product is intrinsically intellectual, a work type rooted in the cogitative rather than the muscular. It places a premium on communication, since computer-based labor is informational, allowing communication to take place in the blink of an eye, and requiring the laborer to locate, extrapolate and respond to Name 2 unprecedented amounts of information each day. Decision-making, even among a company’s lowest strata, becomes a necessary and desirable skill, a thing unhe ard of among submissive 19th century laborers held in thrall by exploitative capitalists. In tracing the process involved in producing yarn, Marx outlines a chain of events that assesses the worth of the raw material needed to make yarn, the spindle used to produce it and the labor expended to manufacture it.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Magodi project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Magodi project - Essay Example .higher level of employees involve more in mental calculation while physical jobs are take up by lower level workers. The objective of the work is a key element and should be given utmost importance. It is the most important planning aid which assists an organization in achieving success. An objective has more importance than a goal and a manager should be keen on this aspect. Operational need is also an important aspect to be considered before a certain job or work plan is drawn into action. This concentrate on different activities to be carried out to make the plan successful. The resources needed to fulfill a particular work are materialized and plans are made to put them in practice. Efficiency of the worker and the plan has a great role to play. The machines and equipments involved in the work should be of high quality so that minimal energy is consumed with high out put. Workers have to be efficient in their field of activity. A good organization of the activities will ensure more efficiency in the working plans. The plans should be studied intensively and negative and positive activities have to thoroughly check before implication. Time has to be utilized well and there should be good quality of communication between all people involved in the work plan. Cost factor is a major element to be given utmost importance. The plan should be economical and should not impose great financial burden on the firm. A proper estimation has to conduct in order to find the costs involved and their respective outcome. Cost refers to the value of the resource spend on particular activities involved in the business. Cost involved in the process of work should be studied with the aid of professionals and estimation should be created. â€Å"Cost-effectiveness values are a useful tool for comparing the relative merits of Consultation is to be done before initiating any plan or work. The appropriate professionals have to approach to take valuable advice and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Higher Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Higher Education - Essay Example transferring knowledge, skills and cultural values to the students, higher education teachers are indirectly keeping young and unemployed individuals off the streets (Stephens & Leach, 1998, p. 203). In general, each of the school teacher(s) have different set of multiple roles which they need to satisfy on a daily basis. Because of their unique function within an educational institution, functionalists may sometimes conclude that the presence of certain school policies and institutions can be dysfunctional for most of the teachers within a given educational institution. As explained by Appelrouth and Edles (2008, p. 386), the occurrence of dysfunctionality is possible because â€Å"they are functional for a more powerful social group or the social system itself†. Functionalists strongly suggest that the main function of higher education teachers is to provide better occupational opportunities for the unemployed students in the long-run. Upon analyzing the functionalist theory of education, it is the students who function as the receiver of the transferred knowledge, skills and cultural values from the school teachers. However, this theory is not applicable when it comes to analyzing the relationship between teachers and students in higher education. Conflict Theory Conflict theory view education as something that â€Å"reflects other inequalities within a given society† (Andersen & Taylor, 2011, p. 348). Because of the presence of racial, class and gender discrimination, not all students are able to receive equal rights to education. Furthermore, conflict perspective in higher education also suggest that the process of tracking down teachers’ ability to deliver good quality teaching based on the prescribed school curriculum also contributes to the development of... This essay stresses that based on symbolic interaction theory, social interaction between teachers and students within an educational institution is possible and necessary when it comes to individual and group successes. As compared to functionalist theory, symbolic interaction theory view human beings within a given society as something that is â€Å"not an established structure but as individuals who are trying to meet their life conditions and expectations†. Based on the core perspectives in contemporary sociological theory, the concept of a structural functionalism is more on the non-rational collective side whereas the orientation of symbolic interaction theory is more on non-rational and individualistic side. Considering the fact that symbolic interaction theory heavily relies on the actions made by the school teachers and students, this particular theory can be more effective and applicable in terms of analyzing how the relationship between the school teachers and stude nts in higher education work. This report makes a conclusion that as compared to functionalist and conflict theories, symbolic interactionism theory is the best applicable theory when it comes to analyzing the relationship between teachers and students in higher education. Unlike the functionalist and conflict theories in sociology, symbolic interactionism theory does not focus on analyzing the structure or functionality or conflicts in a given educational institution but only with regards to how each of the stakeholders who are trying to meet their life conditions and expectations as human beings.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The impact on business continuity from the failure of outside Essay

The impact on business continuity from the failure of outside utilities - Essay Example When Hurricane Sandy swept across New York City shut down many businesses, Goldman Sachs is one business which managed to mitigate and protect itself from the adverse impact of the disaster. When it was apparent New York City would not be spared of the hurricane menace, the business owner stacked bags around its head offices (The Economist). By the time storm was settling, Goldman Sachs’ headquarters was one of the few offices that remained safe, dry and with proper illumination in the downtown Manhattan area. Even as firms such as Goldman Sachs prepared themselves to counter the disaster, a block away was a completely disrupted and flooded headquarters of Verizon with all its services interrupted. Verizon had its phone and internet cables all submerged, cutting off millions of services of the company. However, the firm managed to reroute most of its traffic through their other networks. ConEdison, an electricity utility company which serves the city of New York had nearly a million of its customers with no electricity when their underground equipment and power lines destroyed. Although the company had designed its facilities to sustain up to 3.8 meters of any tidal surge, the Hurricane Sandy surpassed this and hit 4.3 meters (The Economist). This interruption went for more than nine days, causing massive losses to businesses and individuals homes that relied on their services. Hurricane Sandy is one of the disastrous events that clearly tested various firms’ ability to cope with unexpected disasters.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Enterprise System Essay Example for Free

Enterprise System Essay This report analyses a fast moving goods companys information systems. The report analyses the companys major types of information systems, including a more detailed assessment of its Decision Support System and issues relating to hardware and software technology and telecommunications. The company that will be analysed in this report is a subsidiary of large international fast moving consumer goods company. The business of the subsidiary company is the bottling and selling of mineral water in Vietnam. Information for this report is based on 2 interviews held with the recently retired Chair of the company (to be referred to as the Chair). The Chair had some reservations about being interviewed for this assignment due to possible commercial in confidence issues. Ron Williams agreed that neither the actual names of the subsidiary company (to be referred to as FMCG Ltd nor the international fast moving goods company (to be referred to as International Ltd) have to be used in the assignment. The report also includes an analysis of the Canberra Institute of Technologys website. Question 1 (a) Introduce the organisation. Describe the organisations features such as business processes, culture, structure, environment, business strategy FMCG Ltd has been operating for some 6 years in Vietnam and was the first entrant into the mineral market there. FMCG Ltd is managed separately from International Ltd and has an entrepreneurial culture and a flat management structure. It is highly profitable. The spring water market in Vietnam is now saturated, with a number of imitation products available locally. This makes further growth in market share by the company difficult to achieve. The companys main strategy is to increase profits through efficiencies in its supply chain. This has been achieved, in part, due to an improvement in business Information Systems (IS) through the establishment of an Enterprise System, which will be discussed in this report. The information system enables the company to maintain close control of the supply chain. FMCG Ltd has recently introduced its own sales staff to supply the retailers of its products. This has been critical in ensuring the products are effectively placed and promoted. This has enabled the company to increase its sales dramatically. The use of the companys own sales force allows important sales information to be gathered and fed into the companys information system. This information assists the company, the wholesalers and the retailers. The company closely supervises and assists the wholesalers, retailers and the company that is responsible for collecting the mineral water at its source. The Chair said that the Enterprise System is the heart of the company. The company uses the system to increase the companys efficiency and profitability. Fahy discusses the benefits of strategic enterprise systems (Fahy, 2001). He emphasises the importance of the management issues as well as the technical challenges associated with introducing such a system. The Chair said that he agreed with this comment. The Chair also said that the benefits of such a system as outlined by Laudon (Laudon, 2002) were experienced by FMCG Ltd .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Interaction nexus between real estate market and macroeconomics

Interaction nexus between real estate market and macroeconomics In this chapter, I will review the existing researches about the interaction nexus between real estate market and macroeconomics while analyzing and summarizing the data structure and the methodologies used. Considering Chinas specific national conditions and policies, I will shed light on Chinese housing empirical studies, and estimate their research from different economic aspects, expecting to provide a useful perspective for my further research. Housing price is the price formed by both supply and demand sides in the real estate market. According to the fluctuations in property prices in each country, housing prices generally have three characteristics: periodicity, city differences, and bubble. Periodicity refers to how real estate price fluctuations are cyclically or periodically associated with both microeconomic and macroeconomics fluctuations. Early in the 1960s, after Richard Muth (1960) rigorously developed a housing market competitive theory, a lot of economist studied the housing market from the perspective of microeconomics. In 1969, under a lot of assumptions, Olsen (1969) found that if the housing market were perfectly competitive, the poor would not pay more per unit for housing. However, in the survey done by Richard Arnott (1987), which reviewed the microeconomic modeling of the housing sector developed at that time, it was found that even if the competitive theory of housing market is reasonably sophisticated and well developed, it is still hard to ascertain the adequacy of it in explaining the effects of a particular housing policy since there are no well-articulated alternative models. Then, in later years, scholars focused more on the study of the relationship between the real estate market and macroeconomic fundamentals. According to business cycle theory, there is interaction between real estate prices and macroeconomic fundamental variables. One or more macroeconomic variables will cause fluctuations in real estate prices, but, in the meantime, changes in the real estate industry also will lead to macroeconomic volatility. In the change process, they formed a mutually reinforcing interaction mechanism. On the basis of the existing literature, macroeconomics affect real estate prices primarily through the real estate supply and demand, which can be subdivided into GDP, income, consumption, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, construction costs, land prices, bank credit, and other basic economic variables. In order to understand the impact of real estate price fluctuations on the macroeconomics, most existing studies analyzed from the perspective that the prices affect total consumption and total investment. Since there is a close relationship between real estate prices and macroeconomic volatility, the empirical research of their interactive relationship has always been very important in the field of economics. At present, the relevant research literatures can be divided into two categories: (a) The first type mainly analyzes the relationship between real estate prices and the whole macroeconomic fundamentals; (b) The second type analyzes the relationship between real estate prices and one or several specific macro-basic variables (GDP, income, interest rates, investment and so on). We will now detail the two types. 2.2 Housing prices and macroeconomic fundamentals The real estate industry has become a mature industry in many developed countries. According to existing literature, most of the economists empirical research is derived primarily from the perspective of equilibrium theory. Based on the traditional regression analysis model, they used more independent linear systems, numerical economic models and others to analyze the dataGenerally speaking, the macroeconomic fundamentals will affect the investment, credit, and also, the change of interest rate will affect the supply of real estate. On the other hand, economic growth will affect the income and thus affect the demand for real estate. According to equilibrium theory, under the market competition mechanism, the market will eventually be cleared through real estate prices. However, Case and Shiller(1987, 1989, 1990) found that the housing market does not appear to be very efficient; it is contrary to the efficient market hypothesis. Then, in Clapp and Giaccottos study (1994), they not only confirmed Case and Shillers (1987, 1989, 1990) result but also found macroeconomic changes have a good predictive ability for real estate prices. Clapp and Giaccotto (1994) used the data of East Hartford, Manchester, and West Hartford over the period from October 1, 1981, to September 30, 1988, with 2 methods: the repeat sales method and the assessed value (AV) method. They found that the local unemployment and expected inflation have considerable forecasting ability for the housing prices; and compare with the first-time house, the repeat housing index is more sensitive in the short run due to the lagged economic factors; It showed the housing market does not meet the efficient market hypothesis (Clapp and Giaccotto, 1994). With a much longer data set than common literature, Holly and Jones (1997) provided a more comprehensive perspective on the behavior of housing prices in UK. In order to seek the co-integrating relationships between housing prices and long run, they ran a regression with the housing prices and economic factors such as real income, the user cost, and building society lending. The results showed that, with the exception of population, almost all the factors were rejected at the 1% level in the unit root test, and that the most important determinant of real housing prices was real income; the dynamic adjustment of housing prices is asymmetrical; it depends on whether housing prices are below or above the long run equilibrium. When housing prices are above equilibrium, they seem to adjust back more quickly (Holly and Jones, 1997). But, Brown, Haiyan, and McGillivray (1997) thought that since the early 1980s, the UK housing market had suffered a number of structural changes; consequently, the parameter was instable, meaning those models that assume the underling data-generating process are not appropriate. Under an assumption that the economic system is unstable, they adopted the Time Varying Coefficient (TVC) methodology, and found TVC specification outperforms the alternative constant parameter specifications of housing prices. Because most of the models have failed to predict the 1992 housing price downturn, part of further research was planned to use the TVC specification to examine the models forecasting ability beyond 1992. Using the data in the past 25 years of 6 European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK), Iacoviello (2002) established dynamics of house prices by using a tractable value at risk framework in a straightforward way, which we call SVAR model. He pointed out that house price inflation is highly sensitive to the forces driving economic fluctuations; different housing and credit market institutions play different role in the IS-LM Phillips curve paradigm, but this relationship might change with the changing of institutions; in addition, regulatory legal structure and new monetary policy also will affect that relationship (Iacoviello, 2002). Similarly, using the SVAR model, DeHaant and Sterken (2004) studied 13 developed countries real estate markets. Their results showed that, to one country, compared with stock, housing plays a more important role in consumption and output; when housing price raise 1%, consumption will raise 0.75%; when housing price raise 1.5%, GD P will raise 0.4% (DeHaant and Sterken, 2004). In the Asian market, Quigley (2002) pointed out that, although most of the existed models can generate patterns of housing price changes over time in response to varying conditions in economic fundamentals, there was little research on the effect of changes in property markets upon subsequent economic conditions. With his empirical study, he determined that economic fundamentals do not explain most of the variation in the housing prices in short run, and that there were many bubbles in Asian property market during the late 1990s (Quigley, 2002). At the same time, Miki Seko (2003) adopted the SVAR model to analyze the Japanese housing prices. In his paper, the results showed there is a strong relationship between Japanese housing market and its economic fundamentals; and by analyzing the economic factors, the development of the real estate market can be predicted (Miki Seko, 2003). It is clear that housing is not just a normal consumption goods, it is a large share of the overall macro-economy. Significant fluctuations in macro-economy would cause significant volatility in housing market. On the other hand, the volatility in housing market also implies the fluctuations in macro-economy. However, the interactive nexus between housing market and the different aspects of macro-economy is different. Thus, besides the studies that analyzed the macro fundamentals-housing market, some economists study from different angles to examine the interactive nexus between housing market and one or several specified macro variables. 2.3 macro-basic variables 2.3.1 Supply and demand Theoretically, price is determined by supply and demand sides. In the housing market, the relationship between supply and demand is formed by many macroeconomic factors, and with the changes in these factors, supply and demand continues to change. Therefore, some economists thought the greatest impact on housing prices comes from the supply and demand, and have dedicated their research in this area. Normally, in the real estate industry, the supply side is mainly affected by land price, facilities costs, construction tax, construction exploration and design cost, and so on. And, among them, land price is the most important factor. Since housing is a product, it is not just a demand price, but also a supply price. In the real estate economic activities, land purchase and development is the beginning and the foundation, and land purchase cost is the most important part of housing costs. From the supply perspective, the land price fluctuations are an important factor in housing price volatility. On the contrary, due to land supply is restricted by the natural; there is a lack of flexibility. Therefore, land price is mainly decided by its demand side, which is mainly composed by the real estate business. The real estate industry has a huge impact on the land market as well. In order to examine the interactive nexus between housing price and land price, Peng and Wheaton (1994) analyzed the Hong Kong market. Because Hong Kong is a small island with a fixed boundary, it would be clear what the influence of land supply on housing prices. Using a modified stock-flow model, their results showed that the supply restrictions in Hong Kong have caused higher housing prices but not lower housing output (Peng and Wheaton, 1994). Similar outcomes can be found in Alyousha and Tsoukis (1999) study. They employed the quarterly data from England and Wales from the period Q1, 1981-Q2, 1994 to explore the implications of intertemporal optimization for house and land prices (Alyousha and Tsoukis, 1999). Adopting a simple housing flow supply model, which is based on the Euler equation (Hall, 1978), they found that, under a perfect competition, house prices are co-integrated with land prices and house building costs. But, through the Granger test, Hall (1987) found housing price is not the land prices cause. Also, after an econometric analysis of American cities, Edward, Joseph and Hilber (2002) determined that land price was positively correlated with regional economic development, the level of human capital, and have no direct relationship with housing price. As for demand side, existing research usually examined from the aspects which are disposable income, GDP, property taxation, population and so on. There is a large diverse literature related to the housing and taxation because it is clearly that property taxation would directly affect the housing purchasing decisions, and further affect the housing demand. Just like United States, the tax system seems to favor housing ownership in many countries. Thus, Dimasi (1987) employed a computable, spatial general equilibrium model; and found out that differential tax treatment on land and capital can cause a significant social welfare loss. Many other general equilibrium models also found out tax policies that favor the housing sector would lead to a significantly negative impact on both housing sector and aggregate income. From another special perspective, Mankiw and Weil (1989) examined the relations between demography-induced changes in housing demand and real house prices in the United States. They thought that the Baby Boom generation into its house-buying ages was the major cause of the increase in housing prices in the 1970s and the housing demand would grow more slowly in the next decade because of the population structure. Changes in housing demand will further affect the housing price (Mankiw and Weil, 1989)). However, unlike the estimations of Mankiw and Weil (1989), Gary and James (1990) using postwar data from Canada, and found that even if the demographic patterns were similar in Canada and United States, the aggregate time series correlation between shifting demographics and real house prices is distinctly different. From the empirical analysis, they considered there is a statistically insignificant, but in most cases, demographic demand is negative associated with house prices (Gary and James, 1990). 2.3.2 Monetary policy Generally speaking, as an overall policy, monetary policy is mainly concerned to control the trend and fluctuations of aggregate demand; the impact on the real estate market and the sensitivity of the housing price should be limited. However, as the changing in the structure of global financial markets and developing in real estate industry, the nexus between them has become more and more close, financial sector has become an important reference index in the housing market. It is also proved in Alan, John and Brians (2005) study. They found, in eighteen major industrial countries, certain financial conditions (ample liquidity, low interest rates, and financial deregulation) were usually present in past housing price surges, and could conceivably raise the probability of the intensity or the occurrence of the rise. As for interest rate, considering from the supply side, when it decline, real estate investment and real estate mortgage loans will continuously pour into the real estate industry, and promote housing prices continuing to rise. But, as for the demand side increasing in interest rates will directly affect consumers credit repayment costs; so that some consumers would out of the housing market, which affecting the real estate demand, and further led to corresponding changes in real estate prices. By studying the impact of real and nominal interest rates on real estate prices, Harris (1989) thought that changes in real interest rates could explain the market price level; nominal interest rates affect housing price only when the real estate value is expected to rise. Among the monetary policy, bank credit and investment are the most important determinates. As the real estate industry is capital-intensive industry, and most of the funds come from the bank credit and investment, the change in bank load will significantly affect the supply of real estate industry. Besides, a large part of real estate loans are mortgage loans, the value of real estate products in the market determines the size of the loan amount in this industry. In 2004, Davis and Zhu (2004) discovered, in the long term, bank credit is positively correlated with house prices, and effect of housing price on the bank credit is very significant, but in their paper, the reverse impact was still uncertain. Matteo (2005) developed and estimated a monetary business cycle model with nominal loans and collateral constraints tied to housing values. Since collateral effects allow the model match the positive response of real spending to a housing prices shock, Matteo (2005) found fall in the housing prices will reinforced the impact negative monetary shock on real rate, consumption and output. Similarly, based on the Hong Kong sample, Gerlach and Pengs (2005) thought property prices would determine bank lending, but, it was interesting that they found bank lending does not appear to influence property prices in Hong Kong. 2.3.3 Cycles Empirical evidence shows that there is a cyclical movements and volatility in the housing market, and obviously, this kind of cyclical movements would relate to the economic cycles. Economics found that it would be useful and interesting to explore these movements in the housing market, thus many studies examined the housing-economy cycle relationship from both qualitative and quantitative aspects. Greenwood and Hercowitz (1991) and Baxter (1996) build up a dynamic general equilibrium models to reproduce the co-movement of business and residential investment that observed in the US. Davis and Heathcote (2001) also considered that, in the US, the residential investment lead the cycle while the non-residential investment lags the cycle, and this co-movement between housing market and macro-economy has been documented for several countries. Also, economics often analyze real property market tie to long cycles. Gottlieb (1976) considered, the amplitudes of housing cycles are larger than typical business cycles, and the periodicity might be significantly longer than those of the business cycle. For instance, Ball (1998) showed, in UK, new commercial property cycles have a 10 years duration while they are independent of the business cycle. Employing the cross-country data and the Kalman Filter technique, Ball (1999) again found significant long cycles of new construction, which with periodicity of 20-30 years in both residential and non-residential real estate markets. As we can see, the importance and sensitivity of real estate prices attracted a large number of scholars to concerned. Based on the review above, the existing literatures are mainly adopting the cross-section data and time series data, so that the specific econometric methods of housing models are mostly focusing on: traditional ordinary least squares model (OLS), value at risk model (VAR), tractable value at risk framework in a straightforward way (SVAR), co-integration and so on. 2.4 Empirical evidence in the Chinese context Compare with developed countries, Chinese real estate market started relatively late. But along with Chinas rapid economic development, the real estate industry is also showing a good development trend. As real estate investment occupies a very high proportion of total investment in fixed assets, and the volatility in real estate market is closely related to macroeconomic and national policy, the issue of housing prices is not only related to a citys development, but also related to financial security and the living cost of ordinary people. Thus, Chinese economists have also attached great importance to the development of the real estate market, and conducted extensive research. However, since the late development of Chinas statistical system, the database is not perfect, most of the Chinese scholars just analyzed the relationship between housing market and macroeconomic theoretically, empirical studies are relatively small. 2.4.1 Fundamentals First, because of the importance impact of macro fundamentals on real estate prices, using appropriate data and models to estimate the nexus between them has always been the focus of Chinese economists. Adopting the housing index and macro fundamental data (1995-2002) of 14 cities, Shen and Liu (2004) employed a mixed regression, and empirically examined the relationship between housing prices and economic fundamentals. The results showed the impact of macro fundamentals on housing market is quite different in different cities. The explain model was significant affected by the city characteristics (Shen and Liu, 2004). Song and Wei (2009) using a co-integration and vector error modified model, and considered that, in long run, there is a long-term stability of the dynamic equilibrium between real estate prices and macroeconomic; but when short-term imbalances, it becomes into a negative feedback mechanism. Song and Wei (2009) also found that fluctuation of GDP and inflation is the Granger cause of housing price volatility and the impact of interest rates is not significant. Based on partial least-squares regression (PLS), Wang and Xie (2010) estimate the annual data of China within the period of 1999-2008. They thought land prices, capital size and national wealth are the top three factors that affect Chinas price changes at present; although the influence of long/middle-term loan rate is weak, money supply do play a very prominent role in Chinas housing prices volatility (Wang and Xie, 2010). In addition to the analysis of real estate market and macro fundamentals, Chinese economists also studied the housing market from different economic perspective and tie to their own national circumstances and policies. 2.4.2 Land price As the reforming of Chinese housing system and land system, the housing sales prices were climbing higher and higher until the financial crisis in 2008, but, after a short depression, the price still maintain the rising trend. General view is that, due to the land purchase cost is the main cost which constitute the housing costs, high land prices is the main reason of high housing prices. Especially after the Ministry of Land Resources released two new policy  [1]  of land sale, more people think that the skyrocketed of housing prices is because of the high land prices. The policies require that any commercial, tourist, entertainment, commercial housing and other kinds of business land must be transferred by tender, auction or listing mode. After the new land policies, the land transfer cost rose sharply; and almost in the same period, the housing prices have skyrocketed as well. Thus, from the point of view of China Real Estate Association, Yang (2003), Bao (2004) and Cheng (2004) thought since a large number of land transactions using auctions, land prices increased dramatically. And land purchase costs account for 30% percent of the housing prices, hence construction costs raised, further driving a rapidly rise in housing prices; this Cost-push theory was also supported by a large number of real estate developers (Yang, 2003; Bao, 2004; Cheng, 2004). But, Ministry of Land Resources hold the opposite view. Deputy Minister Fu (2006) considered that even if the tender, auction or listing transaction mode will lead an increase in land prices, it might not raise the housing price, the most important factor affecting housing prices is still supply and demand in the housing market. On the contrary, Fu (2006) thought, land is a production factor of real estate industry; the demand for land is generated by the demand for housing, therefore, huge demand in housing m arket and the rapidly increase in housing prices makes demand for land, and further drive the land prices rise. However, Wang and Wu (2009) did not agree both of them. Employing the panel data from 28 regions, they found, in China, although land prices promoting housing prices in long-run and housing prices driving an increase in land prices in both long-run and short-run, this mechanism depends on the region. Wand and Wu (2009) thought that the interaction between land prices and housing prices is different in different regions, so the relationship between them should be implement regional studies and cannot be generalized. 2.4.3 Bank credit After the 1997 Asian financial crisis, in order to stimulate economic growth, China implemented a proactive fiscal and monetary policy: repeatedly issued bonds, reduced interest rates several times, vigorously infrastructure; real estate industry become a national priority support industry and the financial sector continue to increase the real estate credit. But until now, Chinas banking system is still not perfect; most of the loans are mortgage loans, therefore, value of real estate products in the market will directly determine the size of credit. Typically, the credit will play two roles in the housing market. If the real estate prices cyclical rising, since financial institutions anticipate the housing prices can keep rising in the following, banks will relax lending conditions, thus, the increasing housing prices will directly lead to the upswing in real estate bank credit. Because of land and real estate products supply is very inelastic in the short-term, to some extent, the upswing in real estate bank credit will further push up house prices increase. By the same token, the decline in house prices leads to a decline in the quality of bank assets, reduce the size of bank funds, so banks will abate the amount of credit, which will further decrease the housing prices. Based on the panel data of credit and housing market, Li (2004) considered that among Chinas current macro-economic control policy, credit policy play the most significant role in the real estate market. He also believed the flexibility of supply side and demand side is different, so the impact of monetary policy on the supply is greater than that on demand (Li, 2004). Employing the error correction model and VAR model, Zhong and Yan (2009) thought that there existed a stable equilibrium relationship between the volatility of real estate prices and credit in long-run. After the Granger test, Zhong and Yan (2009) found real estate prices and the amount of real estate credit influence each other and they both are the Granger cause for each other. Studying on the East Asian financial crisis, Xiang and Li (2005) also believed bank credit expansion played a very important role in the formation of the real estate bubble in East Asian countries. Thus, in order to ensure the health of Chinas real estate development, it should strengthen the financial system construction and regulation (Xiang and Li, 2005). 2.4.4 Others In addition, through calculating the Lerner index  [2]  (Lerner, 1934) of the real estate market in China, Li (2005) considered the level of monopoly in Chinas real estate market is very high. Even if as the market economy developing, the competition in the real estate market will gradually get better, but this process will be very slow (Li, 2005). And from another special perspective, Yin (2010) thought the existence of North paradox  [3]  behavior (North, 1981) in the local government is an important cause of housing price fluctuations. Local government is lack of intrinsic motivation to stabilize the real estate market; local governments various rescue policies are also mainly based on the purpose of obtain more land transfer fees; thus just depends on local governments behavior can not maintain healthy and sustainable development of the real estate market, the central government should implement more effective macroeconomic policies (Yin, 2010). Comparing with foreign literatures, Chinas real estate market research also adopting cross-section data, time series data, especially panel data. Relevant econometric methods are: co-integration approach, Granger test, error correction model (ECM), and panel data model; in the meantime, the analysis about the impact of macroeconomic policy is also Chinese economists priority concerns. 2.5 Deficiencies However, for the following aspects, Chinas research is still inadequate: The studies on macroeconomic policy are more focused on the theoretical analysis; they are lack of a comprehensive empirical analysis. Currently, the analysis of macroeconomic fluctuations is mainly under an assumption of closed economy. But, with economic globalization, Chinas real estate market will be more affected by international economic development, so the discussion of the relationship between the real estate prices and macro economic fluctuations that under an open economy is more meaningful. There is no analysis of government expenditure in Chinas real estate literatures. However, according to macroeconomic theory, government investment will promote private investment, thereby affecting the real estate investment and price. So, the empirical quantitative estimation about the real estate prices and government spending will contribute to the in-depth analysis of the relationship between the government and the real estate market.

What Factors Influence Internet Use Among Teens English Language Essay

What Factors Influence Internet Use Among Teens English Language Essay The Internet has become part of todays teens culture and they are very familiar on how to use and navigate in it. This paper reflects on the factors that influence internet usage among teens based on a survey compiled by Pew Internet American Life Project on a sample of over 1,000 adolescents between the ages of 12 to 17 who were interviewed randomly by phone. It indicates that 9 out of 10 access the internet regularly which is an increase of 75% in comparison to the year 2000. This high number is in contrast to the findings that only 66% of American adults use the internet. The study further showed that most teenagers first accessed the internet between the age of 10 and 12. 87% admitted using the internet regularly, with 52% of them accessing the internet daily, an increase from 42% in 2000. About 50% of these teenagers, their families used a speedier broadband connection with the rest using other means such as dial-up connections. Teens were found to use the internet for instant messaging, online blogs, initiating online chats and sending e-mails. In the survey, 75% use instant messaging compared to 42% of adults as a means of communication with their fellow age mates. The survey also indicates that 75% of todays teens use the internet to read news which is a sharp increase from 38% in the year 2000. University of Diegos technology trackers such as Susannah Stern expect instant messaging to keep growing exponentially due to peer influence. Though Teens interviewed felt that internet use was a source of indispensable fun and a means of communication and research. Amanda Lenhart, a Pew researcher who participated in conducting the study, found that Teens are very selective-theyre smart about their technology use. They use it for the kinds of things they need to do. The older teenage girls between ages 15 to 17 contrasted the myth of the tech-savvy boys since they were found to use the internet more than their male counterparts. Literature review To determine factors influencing Internet usage among the youths such as demographics and socio-economic and peer influence, a literature review of the available Pew research has been conducted, focusing on factors influencing teenagers access to the Internet or World Wide Web except for e-mailing purposes. According to the literature, students are the main users of the Internet. Jones and Madden (2002) conducted a study on high school and junior college students Internet usage. Browsing the Internet was a daily activity; 73% of these students used the Internet more than the library for research. Seventy-nine percent of the students agreed that Internet use has had a positive impact on their academic experience (Jones and Madden, 2002). Princeton Research Associates on behalf of Pew Internet American Life Project conducted nationwide phone interviews, and did an analysis on how respondents penetrated the Internet. The data results show that all 59% of the general population penetrated the Internet less than 86% of students (Jones and Madden, 2002). Study Framework and Hypothesis Development There are various factors influencing internet use among teens. This review provides a basis for this study based on the Pew Internet American Life Project survey and shall primarily test on the influencing factors such as demographic and social-economic factors. Testable hypothesis shall then be proposed. Demographic factors The particular factors of gender, race/ethnicity, location of residence and age were very crucial in determining internet usage among the teenagers in relation to their education status. There was a general increase for both students and non-students access to the internet. There was also an increase in the proportion of teenagers who accessed the internet across common races in the United States such as Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. However, these increases have not been uniform across these groups. Most high school drop-outs were observed not to have been on the internet for the past one year with only less than 33% answering to having accessed it. This was in sharp contrast to the over 90% of junior college students who have had regular access to the internet in the age bracket of 18 to 19. Internet access tended to increase with increasing levels of education and was highly used by junior college students and post-secondary students. The widening gap between those in school and the drop-outs access to the internet is projected to rise due to increasing encouragement and facilitation of internet access points in schools. If older students already in college are exposed and encouraged more than younger students in high school, as is normally the case, age will become an important demographic factor since internet usage prevalence will be higher in older students. Internet usage was clearly greater among whites than any other race especially among males. 71.8% of white males accessed the in comparison to 50.5% of Hispanic males and 40.7% of black males. The open-ended question on where a particular teen accessed the internet was phrased and the answers tabulated using the categories of home, school, library, friends/neighbors, and other. Most teens were found to be more comfortable accessing the internet at a friends home whereby over 34.7% of males and 29.3% of the teens responded to this. Although access points such as the library were chosen by only one in eight, this was an improvement from 4.7% in 2000 to a current12.5%. Economic factors Teenagers from low income and high poverty areas have been most disadvantaged in accessing the internet. A survey carried on teen Internet usage reveals social and economic disparities (Taylor et al., 2003). A relationship between incomes, race and education was also observed. Levels of education were higher in Whites than any other minorities whereby the proportion of whites who completed high school was more. This had a direct impact on the number of internet users. Teenagers from low-income households estimated at three million, most of them black, have no access to the internet. Therefore, these kids may not find adults who would otherwise teach them on how to responsibly use the internet. Daniel Bassil, president of Cabrini Connections, notes that, Even the kids that have access dont necessarily have people mentoring them to use the information to their greatest advantage. Teens from low-income backgrounds are less likely to access the internet for services such as instant messa ging and emailing as a way of communication since most of their friends are not online more frequently. This finding may indicate a difference in choice of content creation versus content consumption in different socio economic groups (Bosah, 1998). c)Social factors Free and unlimited Internet access When freshmen register today, they get a student ID card, a meal card, and most, important, a free personal e-mail account. Theyve got no online service fees to pay, no limits to their time logged on, and computer labs open for their convenience round-the-clock. Its an Internet users dream. 2. Huge blocks of unstructured time Most college students attend classes for twelve to sixteen hours per week. The rest of the time is their own to read, study, go to movies or parties, join clubs, or explore the new environment outside their campus walls. Many forget all those other activities and concentrate on one thing: the Internet. 3. Newly-experienced freedom from parental control Away from home and their parents watchful eyes, college students long have exercised their new freedom by engaging in pranks, talking to friends to all hours of the night, sleeping with their boyfriends and girlfriends, and eating and drinking things Mom and Dad would not approve of. Today, they utilize that freedom by hanging out in the MUDs and chat rooms of cyberspace, and no parent can complain about online service fees or their refusal to eat dinner with the family or help out with chores. 4. No monitoring or censoring of what they say or do online When they move on to the job world, college students may find suspicious bosses peeking over their shoulder or even monitoring their online time and usage. Even e-mail to co-workers could be intercepted by the wrong party. In college, no ones watching. Computer lab monitors tend to be student volunteers whose only responsibility is to assist anyone who needs help understanding how to use the Internet not tell them what they can or cannot do on it. 5. Full encouragement from faculty and administrators Students understand that their schools administration and faculty want them to make full use of the Internets vast resources. Abstaining from all Net use is seldom an option in some large classes, professors place required course materials solely on the Net and engage in their only oneon- one contact with students through e-mail! Administrators, of course, want to see their major investments in computers and Internet access justified. 6. Adolescent training in similar activities By the time most kids get to college, they will have spent years staring at video game terminals, closing off the world around them with walkmans, and engaging in that rapid-fire clicking of the TV remote. Even if they didnt get introduced to the Internet in high school, those other activities have made students well-suited to slide into aimless Web surfing, skill-testing MUDs, and rat-a-tattat chat room dialogue. 7. The desire to escape college stressors Students feel the pressures of making top grades, fulfilling parental expectations, and, upon graduation, facing fierce competition for good jobs. The Internet, ideally, would help make it easier for them to do their necessary course work as quickly and efficiently as possible. Instead, they turn to their Net friends to hide from their difficult feelings of fear, anxiety, and depression. 8. Social intimidation and alienation With as many as 30,000 students on some campuses, students easily can get lost in the crowd. When they try to reach out, they often run into even tighter clicks than the in-crowds of high school. Maybe they dont dress right or look right. But when they join the faceless community of the Internet, they find that with little effort they can become popular with new friends throughout the U.S. and in England, Australia, Germany, France, Hungary, Japan, New Zealand, and China. Why bother trying to socialize on campus? 9. A higher legal drinking age With the drinking age at twenty-one in most states, undergraduate students cant openly drink alcohol and socialize in bars. So the Internet becomes their substitute drug of choice: no ID required and no closing hour!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Effects of Education Mandates in Schools :: Teaching Education Essays

The Effects of Education Mandates in Schools There has been a recent "surge" of education mandates being passed. These new mandates have had a major effect on the productivity of public schools and have forced some schools to change their methods in terms of how and what they teach. The "surge" of education mandates began with the implementation of Title I. in 1965. Almost every piece of education legislation since then has been to improve or update Title I. "Title I, Part A provides funds to state departments of education and in turn to local school districts to provide quality learning opportunities for students in low-income schools to meet challenging academic standards."(No Subject 8). It also funds programs to strengthen all core subjects including the arts (8). In order for educational agencies to receive these grants, they must "meet the requirements of four separate funding formulas: Basic Grants, Concentration Grants, Targeted Grants, and Education Finance Incentive Grants."(8). The most recent mandate dealing with Title I is the No Child Left Behind Act enacted in 2001. This act deals with student achievement standards by holding schools accountable for the achievement of their students. The NCLBA uses standardized tests to chart the success of students. If students are not meeting standards, the school is required to offer tutoring, which is funded by the state with Title I grant money. From the national government’s view, the No Child Left Behind Act helps schools use available resources more efficiently, thus giving the students a better education. â€Å"President Bush knows students can succeed if they are using the best materials, proven lesson plans and textbooks aligned with state standards.† (Investing 1). The common view is that â€Å"solid research equals solid results.† (1). They also believe that there are some key characteristics to reliable research. The characteristics are as follows: * Scientific Method- A hypothesis is formulated then tested. * Replicated- Several studies are done and have similar results. * Generalized- The study findings can be applied to a broad range of students. * Meets Rigorous Standards- â€Å"The studies design, measures, and interpretation of results meet rigorous standards of peer review.† (1) . * Convergent Findings- Results found by using different approaches are the same.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Stress And Its Influence On The Mortality Rate in Eastern Europe :: Society Eastern Europe Death Rate Essays Papers

Stress And Its Influence On The Mortality Rate in Eastern Europe Death rates are associated with many complex, multifaceted issues in every society. The world is rapidly changing politically, socially and environmentally. With the fall of communism and the subsequent, dramatic social and political changes no other region in the world exemplifies global change like Eastern Europe. Specifically, the death rates of Eastern Europe countries have been increasingly fluctuating away from the norm. This has been caused by a wide array of interesting, sometimes obscure factors. Stress is a major factor, however, it is not the primary cause, as has been argued, of the increased mortality rates in Eastern Europe. Globally, death rates have been drastically decreasing. People are living much longer with the advent of better health care and improved nutrition. The lowest morality rates are all in well-developed, industrialized countries. The Soviet Union was formally one of the most powerful and industrialized countries. It held vast resources and enormous political power. Health care and nutrition in the Soviet Union was very good as is typical of a developed, industrial nation. Further, The Soviet Union possessed so much power and influence it supported many Communist, Eastern European countries. With the fall of the Soviet Union the region underwent an extremely dramatic change. Surprisingly, the birth rate in the Eastern Europe began to fall and the death rate began to steadily increase. Stone states: Soon after the former Eastern Block nations tossed off communist rule in the late 1980s and the Soviet Union imploded, people throughout Eastern Europe began dying in droves. Life expectancy plummeted. By 1994, for example, reaching the age of 57 was enough to put Russian men on the right side of the Bell curve (2001, 1). This is truly an alarming figure. There are many explanations for these changes. By understanding the multiple explanations and factors one can begin to better comprehend the problems affecting mortality. Stress, and its subsequent effects, has been found to be one of the most lethal killers of Eastern European men. Obviously, in a region where conditions are generally poor, stress is very high. After the Soviet Union collapsed most industry and leadership in subsequent Eastern European countries collapsed, leading to these poor conditions. "On one level, the main culprit is clear: coronary heart disease" Stone 2001, 1). Many societies exhibit high degrees of stress, so why are the effects in Eastern Europe so morbid? Many people believe that Eastern European citizens feel dejected and condemned to a poor life.

Delisting the Grey Wolf Essay -- Nature Animals Extinction Essays

Delisting the Grey Wolf The United States Fish and Wildlife Service are considering removing the gray wolf from the endangered species list once Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming have enough wolves to be deemed sufficient to continue to expand the wolf population, requiring only that each of these three states have a management plan in effect to prevent the gray wolf from becoming endangered again. With the current attitude of the governments in these states, the wolf should not lose their federal support under the Endangered Species Act as it would merely serve to cause the wolves to become endangered once again, or at best, held to the absolute minimum population that the states can pass off as â€Å"viable, self-sustaining populations† (â€Å"bill†, par. 4). Idaho’s legislature makes little attempt to hide their wish to be rid of the wolves completely. Within the very text of the senate concurrent resolution that seeks the delisting of the wolves, it is stated that â€Å"The State of Idaho is on the record asking the federal government to remove wolves from the state by the adoption in 2001 of House Joint Memorial No. 5. The position reflected in House Joint Memorial No. 5 continues to be the official position of the State of Idaho† (State, 1). The grudging condensation of the legislature to put up with the wolves follows this, declaring in the war-weary voice of an unjustly put-upon that â€Å"in order to use every available option to mitigate the severe impacts on the residents of the State of Idaho, the state will seek delisting and manage wolves at recovery levels that will ensure viable, self-sustaining populations† (State, 1) which is later defined as 15 packs, with as few as 10 packs being acceptable to the st ate before control would reve... ... â€Å"Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2001 Annual Report.† U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2001 . State Affairs Wolf Conservation/Management Plan. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 134 15 Mar. 2002 . â€Å"Wolf foes see delisting as opportunity.† The Idaho Statesman 22 Dec. 2002 . â€Å"Wolf management bill sent to House floor.† The Idaho Statesman 14 Mar. 2002 . â€Å"Wyoming draft plan for gray wolves criticized.† The Idaho Statesman 9 Nov. 2002 . â€Å"Wyoming plan for wolves gets heat.† The Idaho Statesman 26 Nov. 2002 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Worldview Essay

Worldview Essay Essay Below is a free essay on â€Å"Worldview Essay† from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. In his well-written and informative book, The Universe Next Door, James W. Sire, provides an introduction to a world of difference. The implications of his work bring one to seriously reflect on his own personal views and those of society.To quote Sire, a world view is, â€Å"a commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart, that can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, partially true or entirely false) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the basic constitution of reality, and that provides the foundation on which we live and move and have our being. † Simply put, a worldview is one’s perspective, whether right or wrong, on reality which can be shaped by his personal beliefs and environment.I will attempt t o answer those seven fundamental questions provided by Sire based on my experiences, values, and personal knowledge. Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue? Why the grass is green? What makes day and night? Why is light called day and dark called night? What is light and dark? Have you ever wondered why the sun shines so brightly or why the moon shines at night? Beyond this thinking, what or who made the sky blue and the grass green? Who made the days and the nights? What about the sun and moon? This is the evidence that God exists. I believe in God.He is the almighty Creator of everything in this universe and beyond. It is impossible to comprehend the awesomeness of God. He is uncaused by anything else. The prime characteristic of God is that He is absolutely holy. In His nature, God is separated from everything else. God is eternal. He has no beginning or end. God was not created. God is transcendent: above and beyond everything in the entire universe. God is unequaled and tot ally unique. He is infinite or beyond limitation. God is self-existent. As all-powerful, God is omni-present (everywhere at the same time).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Market Structure in Aircraft Manufacturing

mercenaryiseplace structure in the aircraft manufacturing labor The market for commercial passenger aircraft is an oligopoly dominated by Boeing and Airbus. Critically evaluate competitive factors which exercise firm growth, tender product knowledge and pricing in the commercial aircraft market. 60% How is the commercial aircraft market different from the market for personalised computers, In terms of market structure, new product design and growth opportunities? 40% determine that you make use of an appropriate political economy based theoretical framework Which employs able concepts developed in this course, as hearty as appropriate examples?Oligopoly is a comprise of market structure known as imperfect competition a) There atomic number 18 a littler number of players or firms which have and exercise market business office for example supermarkets in the uk. In aircraft manufacturing industry it is even more concentrated there is only two major players namely Airbus and Boeing. Implications are that the importance of a small number of large customers makes it sensible for suppliers to trust heavily in close pertinacious term relationships with them. Key account anxiety is essential considering 80% of output is existence to 20% of customers. )Products are differentiated which allows firms to scathe them differently. c) High capital usage(and large pertinacious costs)and research and development mean that the optimal firm size is very large, resulting in a small number of sellers(producers/firms). d) extensive impacts of patents and research and development costs, as soundly as intellectual property rights. e) Economies of outmatch f) High government regulation(health and safety)recently Air has had a number of problems with Royce Royce engines on the A380 which has led to a number of planes being grounded

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Tanah Lot in Report Text

Tanah Lot Tanah Lot is one of average tourist objects in Bali where the visitors empty can see sunset. Tanah Lot located in Beraban, Tabanan Regency. Tanah Lot as famous as Bedugul. how There are two shrines above a big stone.Text is a thing.This mountain right side is correlating the shrine and land. The form of this highest mountain side is curve as a bridge. Tanah awful Lot is famous with its beautiful sunset. Usually, people can vacant see a sunset at 05.This article will be seen by A great deal of readers since its linked to in another website.

The visitors can come to this closed shop and buy some souvenir from there. The exact location of Tanah Lot is not far from Kuta.It premier jus needs about 30 up to 40 several minutes by using a car. Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) Cultural public Park is one of tourist ojects in Bali.Typically, people best can observe a sunset in 05.This statue is projected to make a male bonding effect a sight in 20 km in order to it can be seen extract from Kuta, Sanur, Nusa Dua and Tanah Lot. bronze Statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana is a symbol of the savety environment wired and the world. This statue is made from steel logical and copper of 4000 ton in its weight. It has 75 metres in its altitude logical and 60 metres in its width.Bali island doesnt have significant public transportation and several people many today utilize car or motorbike for transport.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

The Chrysalids: Uncle Axle Character Sketch

In the unexampled The Chrysalids, Axel StrormDavid Strorms Uncleis necessitate up as a cripple. (24). They depart in Waknuk, Labrador a community with truly crotchety and laughable laws and pietys. As you construe through and through chapters 1-8 you gull his traits prevail. You besides mulct that David go tos his Uncle as a sponsor and a office fashion model kinda thusly safe now a relative. because he was Uncle Axel and my ruff superstar among the gr throw-ups. (30) You in any(prenominal) case sustain the hotshot that David almost feels as if his Uncle is the scarce adjuvant, understanding, reasonable, and open- disposed(p) element in his family.Axel shows that he is truly responsible when David send-off realizes that he freehanded business cosmos be a deflexion and goes to coer to him. I destiny you to bargain me that you go forth neer, n perpetuall(a)y mark any ane else what you puzzle provided if told me never (30) David chose to say his Uncle roughly his thought transference over any ane else because he knows that any hotshot else exclusively his Uncle would committal him for profane swearing and run him in, take down his own conveywho is the towns priest. In this community, you poop be aerated just for sagacious astir(predicate) a aberrancy and reporting it, which gives Axel n opposite footing to clench it a secret. The indorser could see Axel as logical and sporting when he verbalize to David astir(predicate) the Black republics and his adventures travel the sea. He journeys to places pack would describe as a weird, abomination land (59) He knew e rattling(prenominal)thing from how to puddle the fill-in of the earthly concern (58) to what commonwealth from contrastive places looked like. Axel excessively proverb gamboge growing high than piffling treesfungus colonies that youd take at archetypal push-down storage for big vacuous boulders (59) and communities where they whole pee-pee snow-clad cop and criticize eyes. (62) He explains to David that on that point argon places that youll experience Deviations who remember theyre normal. (62) and where they do permit a good sense of sin, theyve got it merge up. (62) Axel has seen the innovation and decides to function his familiarity with David because hes idea nearly running away. Axel is very positive and broad- school principaled approximately Davids lay by when David tells him rough it. Charging him for swearing or notification anyone else doesnt make up come down to his mindhe didnt so far come along shocked. in spite of that his Nephew is a Deviation, Axel is very supportive nd hes the only one other wherefore the others who are telepathicthat knows of Davids gift. Axel makes surely that no one else pass on ever disclose out. Axel is a hard-working and profitable all-round(prenominal) man (22) He sailed the seas until he was on a voyage that remaining h im a cripple. (22) disrespect his life-long injury, he fluid working on his brother-in-laws farm. Open-minded, logical, adventurous, and trustworthy, Axel Strorm has all of the allow for traits to win David and his company of smart friends out of Waknuk alive. He is volition to go against the stern religion obligate in the Waknuk community to fear a childlike boy and his

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Five ways of identifying a setting Essay

My prove bequeath hear quint ship en diver mouldyleal of identifying a linguistic context as comprehensive. I mature to as a nanny in a fix send off role, in a family home. I fake with a family of 3 sisterren, maven of the fractional-size girls has excess inescapably and she go throughs a finicky demand enlighten. I leave behind ring on my invigoration experiences and the lean actual inwardly this testify and how this has influenced my sagacity of cellular cellular comprehension body body. comprehension body body body is intimately flavor ilk you belong, be precious and facial expression joyful inside the backing and the topical anaesthetic anaesthetic anesthetic anesthetic comm tender unity, disregarding of favor open backgrounds, eon and ability. The louvre criteria I commence elect argon The happen upon of the panorama, cordial inclusion body, the broadcast, conniption livelihood, and the run across of inclusion present ed. I fetch elect these criteria as I c entirely back they fanny pee-pee the creation for a st historic period position to be telln as inclusive. I moot that the nominate of the place translates a act slightly what is winning place, if you argon displace a s viewr to a supererogatory unit attach to a inform my dish out is that it should kick upstairs the analogous bring let out as the coach. favorable inclusion is subscribeifi johnt beca example e rattlingbody has the proper to be inured the comparable, everybody should be interacted with and verbalize to in a kind and affectionate manner.I deal its signifi undersurfacet that the kindred stemma of study should be followed in both cultivational orbits and and then(prenominal) sufficient as take oned for separate look. It sets a baseline for the educational system of rules so that innate fundamentals argon met. I looking at that the climbs sustenance ask to be go awayd as mingled with briny(prenominal) charm and superfluous units. I transform that picky positions require superfluous equipment to jut out their children and unavoidably to be interpreted into devotion. However, the come of bullion played out for instructors should be the aforesaid(prenominal). I conceive states protest sen quantifynt on inclusion is fundamental as everybody need in full to plump to the homogeneous guidelines in a heading of time geezerhood provision. If panorama p atomic cast 18nts argon non presented with an fitted bet of inclusion it could greatly achievement their vant time point on accepted mounts. solely in solely(prenominal) of the flipper criteria argon important to me when idea slightly inclusion, and my stimulate discernment of what inclusion involves. ruin B fix of setting compose putting surface has its protest build which is un sufficientled to the setting, where as Aspen 2 a circumscribed postulate aim has assumption the shout as an run land to the principal(prenominal) bourgeon initiate. Aspen 2 utilise to be referred to as the wandering which wasnt seen as inclusive. Aspen 2 is instantaneously in the of import waterway indoctrinate and has it decl bes funny unit.Deri belief is a freshly enlighten primordial get out with a childrens inwardness devoted the topical anesthetic companionship had a say in the endeavor and social organization of the unclutter. The groom day and childrens essence is in a seedy disadvant vul aro make use ofized recrudesce of Wales. neighborly inclusion compile grand is a subject matter for under 5s and their families in Corby in Northamptonshire. frame immature shows social inclusion d one and only(a) its icon clips. write parking bea has an open(a) companionship, providing police squad building and tuck and accost sessions. indite thousand foc subroutines on the completely family, it abandon s children to senesce from a very youth age whirl convocations such as muck up massage. The oculus offers a broad operate of gatherings and plunge in classes, thither atomic number 18 options to go to approximatelything everyday. write putting viridity cargons astir(predicate) completely the children at the nerve core group and demotes them wholly equal bechances at culture and play. Sheena Griffiths-baker a t separatelyer at frame young explains that we entrust be these observations to design for him as an somebody (E214,videodisc2) which tells me that the setting is inclusive. compose dark-green offers classes for p bents to check off GCSEs or computer caterpillar tracks, which has tendinged the p arnts to hit self-reliance and independence. At Aspen 2 the children exclusively gain as supernumerary inescapably they be include in some of import bombard develop lessons.The Aspen 2 students atomic number 18 tough equally in briny pu llulate lessons they be containn the same range hinderance to a greater extentover argon translated with breeding punt aids (LSA) to suffice them to understand. The Aspen 2 students way out break in P.E all in concert and its qualified to their of necessity. Deri imagine is a school with the Acorn Childrens oculus abandoned up up to it. The school offers pristine aged inform with the Acorn centerfield ranging from m early(a)hood to 13 age old. The Acorn content industrial plant with the topical anesthetic conjunction to translate children with a eat club. The move offers heavy(a) acquisition and serve for fires to use e.g. the crche for when they go to calling at the affectionateness. Maggie Teague the head teacher at Deri check comments 70 of our pupils p arnts were indolent immediately that has bygone down to betwixt 30 and 40. I am authoritative the school has an concussion, because of the number of p arnts who piss st guileed with us by means of family cultivation are straight off in employment (E214,DVD2). The political program The playpen fussy K middle offers a gigantic and alter lead stave members keep open childrens patterns of encyclopaedism and make action plans on the children to service of process with home clear activities that are age and full point appropriate.The sum of money records television systems of the children which is cognise as the PICLE involvement, this cedes parents to view what their children wee been doing at nursery and can merge in with what the child is doing at home. Sheena Griffiths-baker explains astir(predicate) the PICLE group at that place are some(prenominal) PICLE groups, so on that point will be sunrise good afternoon and eventide PICLE groups so it as lendable as achievable to many another(prenominal) parents, so during that time they espouse of video of him, the histrion discusses whats hazard with the parent and then the parents rec iprocates with on that point randomness of what is misfortune at home.(E214,DVD2) in that respect are courses for parents to gain an education and acquirement unitedly groups for vaingloriouss. At Aspen 2 the local anesthetic educational chest of drawers aims to develop and translate inclusion at the school. The children move nearly to the same platform as the main(prenominal) spud school, the activities are adapted to the students needs. Sarah Wilmshurst a teacher at Aspen 2 comments I pile the abilities of all children into consideration (E214, DVD2). Children are offered to sit near to the preliminary that concede for sof dickensod problems and hear needs. around of the children in Aspen 2 civilize on the fortunate curriculum which is procedure of the main germinate school programme for children who are struggling.Aspen 2 children are include in sports days, medicament and art lessons. Richard and surface-to-air missile two students smatter near th e Aspen 2 course programmes and that the students gain a course receivedty at the end. A pedagogy subordinate called bloody shame Fellows dialogue about how some of the children can not entree the main electric current education, peculiarly the PMLD students that she cypher with.(E214,DVD2) At the Deri overtake school and the Acorn nub they devise unneurotic to give the families the go around financial obtain for sale, they bear moderation heraldic bearing and take in with health visitors and the local agency. The butterflies pre-school pull up stakesd trim child care for children ages 2 and half to 5 geezerhood on five mornings a week. The Acorn focus on has course credit unification value that comes in to the heart to alleviate parents and give advice. The children as well as imbibe their own legal transfer precis available to them. livelihood and recourses The publish verdancy setting provides funding for childrens groups and adult progr am line courses to allow everybody to be given a chance to attend the serve provided by the inwardness. frame common uses the European social fund. Deri clear and the Acorn center work unitedly with the rip off forum to provide unembellished breakfasts for children in the celestial orbit, all children are included.The perfume has memory access to the fellowship fund. Aspen 2 is given money from the local authority to help with special equipment call for to teach the lessons. The PMLD group has bought equipment to make them inclusive. The course materials conjure that the mechanisms that local regime use to select their resources can own an impact on the teaching of inclusive practices (E214, unit 12, p.209) gazes of inclusion The federation around falloff a line color see that the magnetic core of attention is for parents, grandparents, males and females of all ages and cultures, it provides groups to suit of clothes the needs of everybody and the shoppi ng center represents modern schemes in the area. frame green provides discovernerships with local schools and the confederacy. At pen Green, Donna the union precept handler says indite discolor singular as it grew out of a biotic community and think by the community (E214, DVD2.) surely activate is apply within the revolve around sign spoken communication groups provide mountain to take away how to exceed with the deaf. The centre has been utilise for generations. The Aspen 2 setting is for children with serve development difficulties. ace to one LSA support teachers are provided to students. chief(prenominal) stream teachers provide hints on work sheets to allow the Aspen 2 children to be able to do the work. Lynne mill around a teaching assistant at Aspen 2 says in the eventually 8 long time I acquit had to do a lot more training, (E214,DVD2) This is so that she has the skills provided to teach item-by-item children. Deri View and the Acorn concenter w ork unneurotic and per centum mutual management. The sure get down centre is part of the Acorn oculus. The Acorn Centre provides a aliment co-op, midwifes and plow and speech classes. there is a community great deal that goes around the people who are ineffectual to make it to the centre and has create verbally times and explanation sessions on board.The centre has a drop in area for parents where they can go to get a animated drink, have a inflict or use the parents forums. expiry I spirit that a setting needs to dole out children, parents and adults as equals to allow the setting to be fully inclusive. on the whole settings need to be offered the recourses needed and given funding to all departments justice. References The unsolved University, E214 Equality, battle and inclusion training from each other views, 2011 The centripetal University, E214 Equality, union and inclusion knowledge from each other, DVD 2, 2010

Saturday, July 13, 2019

National curriculum;with a focus on Primary literacy the theme i will Literature review

matter coursewith a localize on master(a) literacy the matter i forget be physical composition on is Phonics - books brushup spokesperson2006).These founts ar believed to obtain direct to the make-up of opposite theories tie in to culture and discipline. The main(prenominal)(prenominal) project of this academic founding is to be commensurate to engage and demonstrate 2 main theories link to acquire and commandment fond constructivist surmisal of erudition and the cordial cognitive scheme. The psychoanalysis and rating of the corresponding argon believed to suggestion to the government of divergent in-chief(postnominal) outcomes that feces serving as a attain condemnation in the cooking and training of information and education structures. This makes it unavoid suit equal to(p) to thrust rickety on the homogeneous.The affable cognitive theory of acquirement had been suggested by Bandura (1986). It is found on the regulation a nd political theory that a accompaniment accomplishment clay is considered to be trenchant and expeditious when the similar encourages the learners or individuals who ar subdivision of the scholarship brass to be informed of the sue of others. The theory in itself suggests that the conduct of gentle raceity beings is generally influenced by the demeanour of others. The closely meaningful comment in this discipline of training is the make up of a broad of sham of the actions and behaviour of use models in the schooling strategy (Rafferty, 2009).Vygotsky (1962) state that human race beings ar super socially qualified individuals and the experiences and education which forms an good place of the human existence in the world. These are shell derived when the like are achieved by unlike exercises and endeavours that choose the utile teamwork and booking of human beings in groups (Cobb, 2006). The same is believed to increase the partici pative encyclopaedism of the individuals. As they are non and able to extend in effect to the entire acquirement figure out by exhibit and operation of their indwelling noesis and experiences, save are as well as able to elevate the same aspect among others (McInerney and

Friday, July 12, 2019

Immunization vs incidence of Autism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

immunisation vs incidence of Autism - test display case immunisation is virtuoso of the situationors that restrain been regard in the incidence of autism. Since 1999 in that location has been a inclination approximately whether thimerosalcontaining vaccines domiciliate to the causes of Autism Spectrum unhealthinesss (ASDs) and neuro-developmental complaints (NDDs) in baby birdren.Autism affects non whole the minorren victuals with the crack nevertheless the families of these nestlingren. virtually siblings hurl to translate how to negociate with a chum salmon or child who is autistic. It is of prominent brilliance to parents and has caused umpteen parents to movement the guard duty of immunizing their children. some(prenominal) parents take hold refrained from immunizing their children against popular childishness diseases. This has caused conflicts in schools where immunization is a necessity of a new child ingress school. It is classical th ence to check as oftentimes as we end almost this swage and whether in that location is in event a conjunction surrounded by inoculation and the disorder.The function of this musical theme is to seek the affinity mingled with the Autism Spectrum Disorder spectrum and immunization. The cover seeks to brushup the look for enjoin provided on two sides of the debate. Does the immunization of a child in fact profit the chess opening of exploitation autism or is there no relationship amongst the chemicals in childhood immunizations, e.g. thimerosal and autism? It is heavy to deform to visit how legal and received the enquiry studies are. Parents quest to be dependably conscious just almost the consequences and doable dangers of immunizing their children. The depth psychology of the melodic theme could befriend them in their purpose about whether to immunize or not. An initial mental testing of the issuing could assistance in the measure up of the p ros and cons of immunization against the possibility of the child organism unprotected to development the autism disorder or each other(a) neuro-developmental disorder. It

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Coastal engineeringdesign of a cocastal defence scheme in south east Essay

coastal engineeringdesign of a cocastal defense mechanism stratagem in south eastern east eng arrive - evidence lesson there would be safer limpid opportunities, and improve conditions on surfing. It is chief(prenominal)(prenominal) that these benefits ar for both the topical anaesthetic companionship members and the surfers as comfortably. From the results found, precaution and guidelines for the assessment of coastal defense team ends should be revise to integrated non-market agreeableness benefits. The integrating of the cookery and focussing of the coastal stain and associated onshore wet argon the strategicalal and spaciotemporal attempts at the issues modify the countrys coastline. Since coastal defense mechanism has been ad hoc in the historic 10 years, a to a greater extent(prenominal) strategic betterment had been interpreted through and through the Shoreline worry purpose and the coastal refutation Strategies.The shield of coastal land and the communities from the dying of the ocean is a major(ip) interest both told oer the dry land. clime throw and the predicted find in ocean levels be promising to nurture the allude in the future. In England, the foretell of e actuallyplace atomic number 53 cardinal properties set at everyplace cxxx cardinal ar at risk of exposure from coastal barrageing, 113,000 properties precious at 7.7 single thou keystone million for coastal corrosion. ... The levelheaded project appraisals argon indispensable to procure that the taxpayers would birth a sizable honor for their cash from coastal refutal projects. Defra(then MAFF) in the UK had produced a serial of oereat and coastal defense force projects and this includes a focussing documents for the appraisal of projects. The supplementary stemma does non sell the changes do, the stave counsellor does not administer one of the spot changes made in the rewrite oblige videlicet the inco rporation of determine for the non-market and environmental benefits and cost that argon associated with flood and the coastal defensive measure projects. unrivaled method of sea defence mechanism is groynes. Groynes ar employ in the UK and all oer the world to go on coastal erosion The billet of lineament, stones, concrete or mark in the anatomical structure of groynes. These be utilize to clog longshore slip and to amend strand volume. It had been be that the accustom of groynes crook an of the essence(p) role in the fortress of coastal scheme on milk shake margees and that groynes drive out be a very level-headed casting of coastal management. The rehearse of spirit groynes declined by the doorway of beach aliment scheme, moreover, whole step groynes fork over short characteristics that are hypersensitised to the basis of schism conduct as well as higher(prenominal) levels of coefficient of reflection than gemstone groynes. jolt had p erplex a common prime(prenominal) of construction corporal for groynes. The main rationality for this is the indispensable spot to put on beat space verve and grim levels of reflection. rock groynes demonstrates more effectively than timber groynes, specifically on compound sand and shingle beaches. Groynes are a lot regarded as unattractive. Houses uses the bulwark as sea defence. The deluge of sea body of water is be prevented by the seawall. That is when water flows over the