Monday, May 27, 2019

Otto Von Bismarck and Bismarckian Germany

The historical variation of Otto von capital of North Dakota and von capital of North Dakotaian Germilitary personnely has underg mavin extensive transformation, as historians have had access to a wider grade of sources and evidence, and have held differing accessible and political presuppositions influencing their portrayal of the German unifier. The changing historical interpretations can be seen over period, as differing contexts and sources influence the portrayal, as early interpretations of von von capital of North Dakota from the 1870s to the 1920s envisi whizd von von von von capital of North Dakota as a man in charge and as a necessity for Germany to move forward.The interpretation of von Bismarck keep to change throughout the 1930s and 40s as a result of national socialism and the give way of the Third Reich, the interpretations shifted, and throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s the interpretation of Bismarck has become more balanced, not significantly influenced by political desires, whilst still influenced by social context. Through the study of historical debate focussing amongst the eighties and 1980s, the changing interpretations of Bismarck can be illuminated and assessed.Historiographical debate of Bismarcks meeting upon Germany began almost immediately following his rise to prominence, as the primary initial historiography inside Germany demanded a strong man1, who would cut the Gordian knot of nationalistic aspirations. 2 Thus, German historians and the public throughout the 1850s and 1860s desired Bismarck to be portrayed as a benefactor to the German society however Bismarck was withal criticised as being detrimental to the development of Germany. The differing interpretations of Bismarck throughout the 1980s were between the kleindeutsche and gro? eutshe historians. 3 As the kleindeutsche historians argued that the unification was a natural birth, the gro? deutshe viewed it as a caesarean section. 4 The kleindeutshe school of though was mostly composed of nationalist historians Heinrich von Sybel and Treitschke. Treitschke argued that the loyalty of Germany was an inevitable price of unification5, countering Mommsens critique arguing that the injury done by the Bismarckian era is infinitely greater than its benefitsthe subjugation of the German lifetime was a misfortune which cannot be undone. 6 The nationalist-liberal interpretation of Bismarck was reflected significantly in the publications of the late 19th Century historians as for these historians, Bismarck became the man with the masterplan7, and therefrom following the unification in 1871 there was a feeling of fulfilment amongst historiansthe status quo had to be supported. 8 The impact of the historians context is distinctly shown as early biographies by German historians also show us the extent to which the political Zeitgeist made them distort the picture of Bismarck. 9 The sources available to the historians of the 1880s and 1890s also i nfluenced their interpretation of Bismarck as the documents were chosen by Bismarck himself10, which has been clearly shown to have impacted upon the writings of the German nationalist historian, Sybel, as Sybels writings were checked by Bismarck prior to publication. 11 Thus, as a result of the impact of sources and context, Sybel portrayed Bismarck as a estimable servant who did his duty to his nation. 12 The writings of the late 19th Century, 1871 to the early 20th Century 1910 were significantly influenced by the nationalist-liberal interpretation of the time and context. The German defeat in the First World War, in 1918 was expected to have created a revision in German historiography however, this was not the case13, as the failures of WWI were averted and blastedd on another(prenominal)s through the drudge in the back ideology, the Bismarck myth did not become tainted.The roots of the myth of Bismarck were planted throughout the 1920s as German historians of the twenties and thirties were driven by the idea of giving their countrymen an unchallengeable hero in Bismarck. 14 The struggles of the German nation following the defeat in WWI and the social and political revolution resulted in Germany needing Bismarck to provide courage and orientation, and thus the manufactured interpretation of Bismarck was one of guidance and success. 15 Publications throughout this time were limited however the ability to understand Bismarcks impact was extensively amplified as new documents were released from the foreign office archives. 16 Thus as a result of the flourish of foreign policy research, the 1920 interpretation of Bismarcks foreign policy portrayed it as an example of modesty and acquaintance. 17 The writings of Emil Ludwig, Geschichte eines Kampfers in 1928 substantiates this romantic and savour view of Bismarck, as Bismarcks life is portrayed as an ancient Greek drama with a Faustian hero. 18The historiography surrounding Bismarck was significantly alte red following the collapse of the Weimar Republic and the subsequent rise of the Nazis, as the Nazi regime eer utilised Bismarck to justify themselves. They found willing executioners in historians bid Marcks to interpret their look upon-system in Bismarckian terms. 19 The Nazis manipulated Bismarck and Bismarcks historical legacy to benefit them as on the Day of Potsdam, where he (Hitler) glowingly praised his heralds graze which had, in his view, started the ascent of the German deal. 20 Hitler aimed at creating links with Bismarck to justify his expansionary foreign policy, much(prenominal) as the Anschluss in 1938, and to gain credit and popularity through association with Bismarck. The influence of the rise of Nazism upon historiography is highlighted by Wilhelm Mommsen, originally a Republican21, as he wrote Politische Geschichte von Bismarck bis zur Gegenwart 1850 1933, (1935), linking Bismarck to Hitler. Mommsen argued that the first generation fulfilled the yearning s of the Germans and built the empire under Bismarcks guidance,. he second ossifiedand the third grew up in the war and built a country that, though connected with Bismarcks creation, also outgrew it in many ways. 22 Mommsen argued for the Third Reich to have completed the structural complexities of society and industry that Bismarck had created. The writings of Bismarck became linked to Hitler as a result of the context in which historians wrote, firstly in one of persecution and censorship, however, German historians were not opponents of Hitler, and thus manipulated the history of Bismarck to benefit the Nazi Regime, of which they favoured. 23 Following the collapse of the Third Reich after the Second World War in 1945, Bismarck, the creator of the nation, was bound to be seen differently. 24 Friedrich Meinecke argued that historians should adopt entirely new perspectives regarding Germanys past, the staggering course of the First, and still more the Second World War no longer p ermits the question to be ignored whether the seeds of later evil were not already present in the Bismarckian Reich. 25 Whilst there was a negative assessment of Bismarcks role in the path of atrocities, German historians also like to hark back to Bismarcks greatness to show up the depth of failure among his successors. 26 Due to the actions of Hitler and the Nazi state, the role of Bismarck was investigated as to how far-off he enabled the dictatorial powers and influenced the structures of war, which were experienced throughout europium and as substantiated by Hans Hallmann, the question for German historians after the Second World War was, therefore how should one write about Bismarck after Hitler? 27 The criticism was largely influenced by the context of which the historians were writing in, as the collapse of the Reich signalled a supposed failure in Bismarck, and questioned his success intentions, as criticism of Bismarck centred rather unrealistically on the problem of dec iding whether a German nation-state or a German-dominated Central Europe should have been created28. A. J. P. Taylors, Bismarck the man and the solon written in 1955, typified post war historical thought, questioning the role of Bismarck in the collapse of democracy.Taylor contrasted the hypercritical genius of Bismarck arguing for the general success of Bismarck. Taylors British context allowed him to keep a healthy distance from the Bismarck myth, which resulted in the influencing of many German historians29, and thus enabled perspective. He argued for the understanding of Bismarck as a manipulator, due to his ability to avert problematic confrontations, as on such occasions one can see not only Bismarcks great intellectual gifts, but a manipulative emotional light. 30 Taylor utilised psychoanalysis of Bismarck to explain the factors impacting upon his policies, and as argued by Urbach was especially effective in describing Bismarcks youth. 31 Through utilising a differing met hodological analysis of historical examination, Taylor received and portrayed a differing perspective of Bismarck and Bismarcks role in Germany, portraying Bismarck as a man who wanted peace for his country and helped to give Europe such peace for forty historic period32, whilst the majority of his countrymen would associate Bismarck with iron, three wars and as the predecessor of Hitler. 33 The revival of respect and even veneration for Bismarck34 was countered significantly in the passionately partisan criticism of Bismarcks work35, Bismarck and German Empire (1963) of Erich van Eyck. Eyck was typically a liberal historian, and thus opposed Bismarck, from the stand excite of iustitia fundamentum regnorum, arguing that justice should be the major foundation of governance, as Eyck wrote in the tradition of the great liberal opponents of Bismarck36.Eyck argues that Bismarck was the hero of violent genius37, through his 3 volume biography of which is greatly influenced by his libera l standpoint and historical context of persecution by Hitler, and his background as a lawyer as he despised Bismarcks pretermit of respect for the rule of law. 38 Eyck continually criticised Bismarcks detrimental impact upon liberalism at bottom Germany and passionately condemned Bismarcks cynicism towards liberal, democratic and human-centered ideals39, which he states to have incapacitated the people. 4041 Bismarck and German Empire influenced the historiography of the Bismarckian topic among German and international historians, presenting an interpretation neoconservative in nature. 42 This criticism of Bismarck has influenced the German historian, Hans Rothfels, whom followed Eyck, arguing that Eycks belief in a liberal option for a united Germany was not justified, that no one but Bismarck could have united Germany. 43 Fritz Fischers Germanys Aims in the First World War (1968) signalled the first significant German historian to blame Germany for starting the war44.Fritz Fisc hers publication significantly demonized Bismarck and Bismarcks Germany, arguing for the path that Bismarck had essentially led the path to the German cause of the First World War. Fischers writings and interpretation of Bismarck largely contradicted the mainstream views of Bismarck and Bismarcks Germany, and as substantiated by Feuchtwanger, It contradicted much of the work done in Germany on the war guilt question and caused great controversy45.The controversial nature of Fischers publication resulted however in a flow of reassessments of his original publications, still maintaining the criticism of Bismarck and resulting in a massive attack on Bismarcks creation. 46 The flow of petty(a) publications created a Fischer school of historical thought, which stood on the political left and its opponents on the political right47.Through the publication of Fritz Fischers Germanys Aims in the First World War, the German historian utilized political, frugal, social and cultural evidence4 8, to persuade and research, thus creating a revision of historiography. The debate between Fischer and the right created significant disruption within the history fraternity, as The left, who believed in critical social history, felt cheated becausethe historical establishment strongly resisted their new and much more critical view of German history. 49 The Fischer school of historical thought was extensively revised in the 1980s, of which Bruce Waller refers to as the conservative 1980s50. Edgar Feuchtwanger claims, Revisionism provokes further revision51, as German historians and the race in general began to view the past more reverently52. The political complexities of the Bismarckian era influenced and resulted in a change of interpretations of Bismarck Bismarcks Germany, as moves to the more political right occurred, and thus a return to a more approving view of Bismarck was undertaken.Through one of the most venerable and respected historians on Bismarck, Otto Pflanzes tril ogy Bismarck and the Development of Germany (1963, but reprinted and reassessed in 1990), significant in grounds have been made to the overall historical value of the Bismarckian era. Bismarcks assessment was, as argued by Kraehe, taking into particular account the work of Helmut Bohme53, whom Pflanze critiques, Bohmes account of the relationship between economic and political forces in domestic politics during the period of unification also appears over give tongue to. 54 Pflanze argues against the typical liberal-nationalist interpretation arguing the primacy of political and individual action,55 move against the nationalist sentiment of early German historians in arguing that the war of 1866 was neither inevitable nor necessary. 56 Pflanze significantly impacted upon historiography, contrasting the Fischer approach to German and Bismarckian history, although still remaining critical of Bismarck and Bismarcks Germany. Kraehe argues that to Pflanze, Bismarck was everlastingly lar ger than life57, due to the immense coverage and position provided in Pflanzes trilogy.Pflanze uses differing concepts of investigation to outline the Bismarckian era, as outlined by Waller, Pflanze uses mental insight and works with Freudian concepts. 58 Pflanze in essence portrays a structuralist interpretation of Bismarcks unification and impact, arguing that Bismarck took taking advantage of certain opportunities, Pflanze stresses Bismarcks flexibility, his concern to keep options open59. Pflanzes changed views of Bismarckian historiography can be seen due to his return to the sources60, and thus uses a psychological history61, hich as Urbach concludes, enabled him to analyse in detail. 62 Pflanze openly argued for the structuralist interpretation of Bismarck, within the nature of Bismarcks opportunism and manipulation of events, rather than intentionally staging events. 63 The 1980s biography Bismarck The White Revolutionary, by Lothar crust significantly impacted upon the h istoriography of Bismarck and Bismarcks Germany, as Waller describes, It is probably the most searching biography we have. 64 Lothar Gall portrays Bismarck as a revolutionary, however conservative in nature. As highlighted by Bruce Waller, Gall wrote Bismarck The White Revolutionary to counter the school of historians whom the individual matters little, and thus like Pflanze investigated the implications of an individual upon a society. Whilst, unlike Pflanze, Gall did not uncover new sources he utilised the analysis of existing Bismarckian sources to investigate the true impact of Bismarck upon 19th Century Germany. 65 Whilst Waller points out that most historians, but not the majority of students, have now consigned the view of Bismarck as a reactionist to historys dust bin, Galls major investigation was to highlight the reactionary nature of Bismarcks role as prime minister. 66 Galls 1980 biography was aiming to describe the circumstances the chancellor faced and then to see th e way he reacted to them67, and as highlighted by Urbach, Gall wanted to show how Bismarck, when faced with developments he had not created himself, turned them to his advantage. 68 Thus, due to Galls idealisation that Bismarck was a reactionary, he portrayed him after 1871 as the Zauberlehrling (sorcerers apprentice)69, arguing that he had lost his magic touch, an argument that may have been the most devastating criticism of the man yet. 70 Thus Gall portrayed Bismarck as a chancellor that was not the great genius who knew and guessed it all well in advance71, as Gall argues that the iron chancellor conjured up powers nationalism, liberalism, and economic new(a)isation which spun out of control and that therefore what he achieved was not what he had striven for. 72 Galls interpretation of Bismarck has been seen as largely critical, however still remains a significant German interpretation, countering the initial nationalist-liberal interpretations portraying Bismarck as totally in charge, whilst also countering the arguments that Bismarcks planning was the leeway for Hitlers ascendancy and dictatorship. In essence Gall identified Bismarcks accomplishment as imperfect and to a point unintended. 73 As noted by Urbach, Bismarck himself hinted at his own imperfection, one cannot possibly make history, although one can always learn from it how one should lead the political life of a great people in accordance with their development and their historical destiny. 74 The Bismarckian historical debate was notably influenced by the writings of Ernst Engelberg, writing in the 1980s, and proposing an altered interpretation of Bismarck. Engelberg as a Marxist interpreted the Reichsgrundung as a phase of social development that helped the working class to develop from a national base. 7576 Whilst Waller argues that Engelberg was a life-long communist and one of East Germanys leading historians who in the past had insisted on strict Marxist history77, he argues that h is biography of Bismarck is not fully weighted on Marxist ideology, it additionally gives full weight to psychological and religious as well as to political and economic factors. 78 Engelberg, like Gall, did not utilise his own research and discover new sources, as stated by Urbach, Engelberg used much of the old research of Erich Marcks and A.O. Meyer79, however she continues by stating Engelberg includes more analysis. 80 Engelbergs argument of Bismarck is similar, yet differing to Galls, as both historians see Bismarck as well-nighone who tried to control the current of the time and not as a creator81, and thus to some extent was critical of Bismarcks power, however Engelberg also defended the power of Bismarck stating that despite the machinations, Bismarck was far from acting like an adventurerOn the contrary his preparationsproved to be prudent. 8283 Waller states that Engelbergs argument was influenced by Prussianism, highlighting Engelbergs biography to be Prussian to the e xtent of disparaging the attitudes and actions of other Germans, especially those who attempted to thwart Bismarcks initiatives. 84 Engelberg proposed a favourable interpretation of Bismarck in his 1980s biography, arguing that whilst his control was not always complete, his ability was.Engelberg critiqued the post war historiography arguing that Bismarcks successors were responsible for gambling away the inheritance, and thus links made between Bismarck and the collapse of democracy were perverse. 85 The historical interpretations of Otto von Bismarck have undergone an extensive change, due to changing social and ideological contexts of historians that have assessed the chancellor and his impact upon Germany.The historical writings throughout time, from the early historians on Bismarck, such as Heinrich von Sybel, historians writing in the times of Nazism, and following the collapse of Nazism have all succeeded in assessing the disposition and his impact, however were unable to em ancipate themselves from their social and political contexts, and thus the interpretations of Bismarck have reflected these influences. 86 The most modern assessments of Bismarck have also significantly alter the historiographical debate however have successfully avoided being overly impacted upon by context, and thus present an emancipated history of Bismarck and his impact upon Germany. The lucky debate over the Bismarckian era will result in continual changing interpretations of the solon however the discovery of new sources and evidence highlights the attendant move towards the objective portrayal of Otto von Bismarck and Bismarckian Germany. Word Count 3072. 1 Urbach, Karina, (1998). Historiographical Review, betwixt delivery boy and scoundrel ascorbic acid long time of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1143 2 Ibid. , p. 1143. 3 Ibid. , p. 1144. 4 Jaspers, Karl, (1960). Freiheit und Wiederv ereinigung. Munich. Pp. 42 5 Heinrich v. Treitschke. (1867 97) Historische und politische Aufsatze. 4 volumes. Leipzig, (1874 79) Zehn Jahre deutscher Kampfre Schriften zur Tagespolitik 1865 1879). 2 volumes. Berlin. 6 Kohn, Hans, (1961). The mind of Germany education of a nation. London. Pp 188 7 Urbach, Karina, (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and scoundrel coulomb years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1144 8 Wehler, Hans-Ulrich, (1976). Bismarck und der Imperialismus. Munich. Pp. 15 9 Ibid. , p. 1144. 10 Seier, Helmut, Heinrich v Sybel, in Wehler, Deutsche Historiker. Pp. 144 11 Ibid. , p. 144. 12 Urbach, Karina, (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. , p. 1145. 13 There were only a few critical voices emerging. For example Johannes Ziekursch, Politische Geschichte des neuen deutschen Kaiserreiches (3 volumes. Frankfurt. 1925 1930) Ulrich Noack, Bismarcks Friedenspolitik (Leipzig 1928). 14 Zmarzlik. Das Bismarckbild. Pp. 19. 15 Urbach, Karina, (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. , p. 1148. 16 Ibid. , p. 1148. 17 Rothfels, Hans, (1924). Bismarcks englische Bundnispolitik. Berlin. 18 Urbach, Karina, (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. , p. 1149. 19 Ibid. , p. 1150 20 Ibid. , p. 1150 21 Meaning he was in favour of the Weimar Republic, which collapsed in 1933, resulting in Hitlers ascendancy 22 Mommsen, Wilhelm, (1935). Politische Geschichte von Bismarck bis zur Gegenwart 1850 1933. Frankfurt. Pp. 252 23 Urbach, Karina, (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 998 Cambridge University Press. , p. 1151. 24 Quoted from Gall, ed. , Geschiechtsschreibung, pp9 25 Meinecke, Friedrich (1946). Die deutsche Katastrophe Betrachtungen und Erinnerungen. Wiesbaden. Pp. 26. 26 Feuchtwanger, Edgar (2001) Imperial Germany 1850-1918. New York and London Routledge 27 Hallmann, Hans (1972). Revision des Bismarckbildes decease Diskussion der deutschen Fachhistoriker 1945-1955. Darmstadt 28 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. bill Review. walk 1st. p. 41. 29 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1154 30 Ibid. , p. 1154. 31 Ibid. , p. 1154. 32 Taylor interview with the Wes tdeutscher Reundfunk, 31 March 1965 33 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1154 34 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman.History Review. March 1st. 35 Sturmer, Michael (1971). Bismarck in Perspective, Central European History 4. Vermont. 36 Feuchtwanger, Edgar (2001) Imperial Germany 1850-1918. New York and London Routledge 37 Footnotes 11 of Michael Sturmer 38 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1142 39 Ibid. , p. 1142. 40 Quoted in Schoeps, Hans-Joachim (1964). Unbewaltigte Geshichte Stationen deutchen Schicksals seit 1793. Berlin.Pp 108 41 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Rev iew, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp. 1142 42 Sturmer, Michael (1971). Bismarck in Perspective, Central European History 4. Vermont. 43 Ibid. , p. 1143. 44 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. History Review. March 1st. 45 Feuchtwanger, Edgar (2001) Imperial Germany 1850-1918. New York and London Routledge 46 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. History Review. March 1st. p. 41. 47 Ibid. , p. 41. 48 Ibid. , p. 41. 49 Ibid. , p. 41. 50 Ibid. , p. 41. 51 Feuchtwanger, Edgar (2001) Imperial Germany 1850-1918. New York and London Routledge 52 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck. History Review March 1998 53 Kraehe, Enno, (1990). Review Article on Otto Pflanzes Bismarck Trilogy, Central European History, 23, 4. Emory University Pre ss, Atlanta. , p. 369 54 Pflanze, Otto, (1968). Another Crisis among German historians? Helmut Bohmes Deutchlands Weg zur Grossmacht.Journal of Modern History 40. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. , p. 125. 55 Kraehe, Enno, (1990). Review Article on Otto Pflanzes Bismarck Trilogy, Central European History, 23, 4. Emory University Press, Atlanta. , p. 369. 56 Ibid. , p. 369. 57 Ibid. , p. 369. 58 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. History Review. March 1st. 59 Ibid. , p. 43. 60 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1156 61 Ibid. , p. 1156. 62 Ibid. , p. 1156. 63 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. History Review. March 1st. p. 42. 64 Ibid. , p. 42. 65 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1157 66 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. History Review.March 1st. p. 42. 67 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1157 68 Ibid. , p. 1157. 69 Ibid. , p. 1157. 70 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. History Review. March 1st. p. 42. 71 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1157 72 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at rece nt debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. History Review. March 1st. p. 42. 73 Ibid. , p. 42. 74 Bismarcks statement of 1892, quoted in Pflanze. Period of unification. Pp. 16 75 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cam Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1158 76 Quoted from Wolter, Heinz, (1983) Bismarcks Au? enpolitick, 1871-1881.East Berlin. Pp. 5 77 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. History Review. March 1st. p. 42. 78 Ibid. , p. 42. 79 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1158 80 Ibid. , p. 1158 81 Ibid. , p. 1158 82 Ernst Engelberg, Zur politischen Vorbereitung des Krieges, in G. Seeber and K. Noack, eds. , Preu? en in der Geschichte nach 1789. (1983). East Berlin. Pp. 03 83 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1158 84 Waller, Bruce (1998). Bismarck Bruce Waller looks at recent debate about modern Germanys greatest statesman. History Review. March 1st. p. 42. 85 Urbach, Karina (1998). Historiographical Review, Between Saviour and Villain 100 years of Bismarck Biographies. The Historical Journal. Printed in the United Kingdom. 1998 Cambridge University Press. Pp 1158 86 Ibid. , p. 1160.

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